Archive for foreign trade website

Zen-cart Session_start error leads to a blank page display

zen-cart. Some space reasons。After editing or download the document in?> After a blank line to pay more。This led to the foreground and background can not display normal。。Often there will be a blank page。Or session_start()error。Given the header information already sent。 Add in the shopping cart and payment processes often appear。The following are the symptoms:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie – headers already sent by (output started at /home1/megacoll/public_html/shopping/admin/includes/classes/logger.php:106) in /home1/megacoll/public_html/shopping/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 108

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter – headers already sent (output started at /home1/megacoll/public_html/shopping/admin/includes/classes/logger.php:106) in /home1/megacoll/public_html/shopping/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 108

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home1/megacoll/public_html/shopping/admin/includes/classes/logger.php:106) in /home1/megacoll/public_html/shopping/admin/includes/init_includes/init_templates.php on line 69

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home1/megacoll/public_html/shopping/admin/includes/classes/logger.php:106) in /home1/megacoll/public_html/shopping/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 37

Background leading to the site can not log。

If you have administrative privileges php.ini,Then,Directly edit php.ini,The output_buffer open (just give a value of 1024-4086),If you do not have permission to php.ini,But the server provides the function of words .htaccess,Then in .htaccess add that this thing on it:

All the php files are checked still the same。
Finally found out that there was no host in php.ini setting output_buffering。Although not yet ask them to correct,But we can try to use .htaccess。

.htaccess set as follows:
php_value output_buffering 4096

Tested 。no problem。


The lightinthebox zencart template simply submit links will be displayed on the home page

Circulated on the Internet zen cart lightinthebox template
Links submitted will be displayed in a Home
It will be considered the same as if the site was hacked
In fact not! !
In fact, it is not required to submit audited Links
Originally link module is Audit Scheme,On this point ignores,I do not know is intentional or ...
Now we need to add a review on the line

Very simple!
找到 includes/modules/sideboxes/lightinthebox/links_box.php 文件
In the code
WHERE ld.language_id = ‘” . (int)$_SESSION[‘languages_id’] . “‘
Adding back and l.links_status = '2'


zen-cart smtpauth set gmail success

1) First way is to send an e-mail back:smtpauth
2) Smtp mail account:[email protected]
3) Smtp account password:xxxxxxxx
4) Smtp
5) Smtp server port:465Or 587

If this setting is correct。But some hosts still appear Email Error: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Such a situation 。

This requires the server to support。Check back next - whether the information in the OpenSSL server - Tools。Because the transmission is ssl google:// agreement。

It requires the server to support this very important Openssl。

Germany fully supports our server,We tested.


How to set up shop to make safer zencart?

Here are a few steps to strengthen the security of the Zen Cart shop:
1. Delete / zc_install installation directory
After the installation is complete,Deleted from the server business / zc_install installation directory。
Do not just rename the directory,In case people know the name of the directory,Insecure。
2. Set configure.php files as read-only
The two configure.php files CHMOD(Setting permissions)Command be changed to read is important。
It is usually set to "644",Sometimes "444"。
If the program can not be modified via FTP,You can use file management tool provided by the host to modify。
If you are using Windows Server,As long as the file is set to "Everyone", "Read Only",If that is in IIS,User is IUSR_xxxxx,Or "System" account,International trade payment qq 1274899661 In Apache,Is "apache user" account。
3. Renamed "/ admin" directory
Modify the "admin" directory name,With a difficult to guess the name。
(Before making the following changes,Back up your files and databases。)
A- Using a text editor,Notepad e.g.,Open the file admin / includes / configure.php。
All appear / admin / local directory name into their management。
We need to modify the part:
define(’DIR_WS_ADMIN’, ‘/admin/’);
define(’DIR_WS_CATALOG’, ‘/’);
define(’DIR_WS_HTTPS_ADMIN’, ‘/admin/’);
define(’DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG’, ‘/’);
We need to modify the part:
define(’DIR_FS_ADMIN’, '/home/');
define(’DIR_FS_CATALOG’, '/home/');
B- Find the Zen Cart / admin / directory,
The directory name in accordance admin / includes / configure.php defined in amended accordingly。
4. Remove unused administrator accounts
Management page -> Tools -> Manage Settings
In the management page,Open the Tools menu,Select Management Settings
– Check that all administrator accounts are not using and delete。Particular attention to whether there is "Demo" account。
5. Strengthening the administrator password
Be sure to use a certain intensity、Not easy to guess password。
To change the administrator password,Enter the management page -> Tools -> Manage Settings,Click the "Reset Password" button,Or click on the icon would like recycling bins。International trade payment qq 1274899661
We recommend using a password of at least eight。
Password should contain letters、digital、meets the、And capitalization, etc.。
6. Protected content "custom page" "html_includes" in
Well defined your custom page after,(Management page -> Tools -> Edit Page), You want to protect these files:
A. Backup using FTP software download,These files are located
B. Modify the file CHMOD 644 or 444 (Under Windows or "read-only")。See description above CHMOD
